Task 30 Open-Shift industry use-cases

Mohammed Abdul Basith
4 min readJan 12, 2022

Task Description📄

✍🏻 Research for industry use cases of Openshift and create a blog, Article or Video elaborating how it works.


OpenShift is a family of containerization software products developed by Red Hat. Its flagship product is the OpenShift Container Platform — an on-premises platform as a service built around Linux containers orchestrated and managed by Kubernetes on a foundation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Features of Red Hat Openshift :

1.Service Mesh

2. Accelerate application development

3. Enterprise-grade, container-based platform with no vendor lock-in


5.Full Stack Support.


  • A container image is a lightweight, stand-alone, executable package of a piece of software that includes everything needed to run it: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries, settings.
  • Containerization based on virtualization allows any application bundled in a container that can be run without the hassles of any dependency like libraries.
  • The most popular Linux container format to build a robust DevOps environment is based on the Docker project.


An OpenShift cluster is a set of node servers that run containers and are centrally managed by a set of master servers. A server can act as both a master and a node, but those roles are usually segregated for increased stability.

Nodes: The nodes run applications inside containers, which are in turn grouped into Pods. This division of labor comes from Kubernetes, which uses the term ‘minions’ for nodes.

Master: The master runs OpenShift core services such as authentication and provides the API entry point for the administration.

Pods: The Kubernetes scheduling unit is the Pod, which is a grouping of containers sharing a virtual network device, internal IP address, TCP/UDP ports, and persistent storage. A Pod can be anything from a complete enterprise application, including each of its layers as a distinct container, to a single microservice inside a single container. Kubernetes manages replicas to scale pods. A replica is a set of pods sharing the same definition.

Storage: Kubernetes recognizes a persistent Volume resource, which can define either local or network storage. A pod resource can reference a PersistentVolumeClaim resource in order to access storage of a certain size from a Persistent Volume.

Project: A project groups Kubernetes resources so that the access rights can be assigned to users. A project can also be assigned a quota, which limits its number of defined pods, volumes, services, and other resources.

Images: The Source-to-Image (S2I) process in OpenShift pulls code from an SCM repository, automatically detects what kind of runtime that source code needs, and starts a pod from a base image specific to that kind of runtime. Inside this pod, OpenShift builds the application the same way that the developer would. If the build is successful, another image is created, layering the application binaries over its runtime, and this image is pushed to an image registry internal to OpenShift.

A new pod can then be created from this image, running the application. S2I can be viewed as a complete CI/CD pipeline already built into OpenShift. OpenShift resources, such as images, containers, pods, services, builders, templates, and others, are stored on Etcd and can be managed by the OpenShift CLI, the web console, or the REST API. These resources can be viewed as JSON or YAML text files and shared or retrieved on an SCM system like Git or Subversion.



The Volkswagen (VW) Group’s Electric Development department tests and enhances the technologies that support intelligent, connected vehicles. To improve testing speeds, scalability, and consistency, the VW Group used Red Hat technology to create a mixed-mode testing environment that combines virtual and real-life testing. With this new environment and an architecture created with Red Hat Open Innovation Labs, the VW Group improved component integrations, introduced self-service provisioning, and reduced costs for system tests by 50%.


Simplify and automate component testing

The VW Group’s Electric Development department tests and adjusts electronic control units (ECUs), which control a vehicle’s electric systems. However, several factors made this work challenging. The VW Group needed to change its processes to increase collaboration with the external vendors who contribute ECU technology. It wanted a standardized architecture and a virtualized, automated environment for its testing.


Adopt a virtual environment with expert support

After sketching the vision and trying different technical ideas, the group turned to Red Hat, a trusted vendor. The project started with a 12-week hands-on residency with Red Hat Open Innovation Labs to develop and test the core of the VW Group’s future software integration platform. This platform supports early integration testing of software functions at scale using Red Hat OpenShift, an enterprise Kubernetes container platform. The VW Group also benefited from Red Hat training and technical support.

Thank you for reading !

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