JavaScript Workshop Self-Reflection
Hey Everyone
We had a workshop on Javascript for 2 days , 8+ hours of amazing workshop and got to learn many things . This workshop was taken by none other than Mr.Vimal Daga Sir .
Listing out the topics which I have learned during this workshop are
->Basics of JavaScript like Functions, Objects, Conditional Statement, loops, Datatype, etc.
->Browser & Document Object Model
->Synchronous & Asynchronous JavaScript
-> Integrating CSS inside JavaScript
-> Meaning of DOM in web technology.
-> Role of the browser other than accessing the website.
-> Creating animations using JavaScript
-> Basics of Front-end & Back-end Model.
-> Need of AJAX.
-> Request and Response in web technology.
-> Difference between JavaScript Synchronous and asynchronous.
-> JSON in JavaScript.
-> Write loops and conditions in JS.
This workshop was really amazing and helpful in the path of web-development.
I thank Mr.Vimal Daga sir for conducting such amazing workshop.
#javascript #html #webdesigning #javascriptworkshop #righteducation #vimaldaga #worldrecordholder #javascriptbylw #workshop